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The benefits and risks of different spinal treatments

benefits and risks of different spinal treatments and accupreasure and other options available for spinal surgeries

Back pain is one of the most common complaints seen in our lives in almost every age group. It is generally associated with some spinal issues. From wrong posture to some serious spinal malfunction, it can include any etiology. It’s crucial to rule out any significant condition if the pain is chronic.

Manageable backache still isn’t a worrisome situation as much as a slip disc, spinal injury or any infection that has reached the nerve roots in the spinal cord. In order to help the patient recover swiftly as well as to reduce the symptoms, the latter requires persistent and rapid treatment.

The initial line of treatment is usually exercise and lifestyle changes. It can then be extended to medical treatment including painkillers and associated drugs. Surgical intervention is never chosen above non-surgical therapeutic methods.

Other concerns or complaints can be pain or weakness in the lower half of the body due to nerve compression, trauma or infection. If you have any of these complaints, contact your doctor and get it checked.

The medical field is developing and growing. So, with the flourishing dynamic field, we have developed various treatment options for our patients, so that the patient can choose the one most suitable and affordable for him. As a patient, you have the right to choose whatever option suits you and it is the responsibility of the doctor to treat you and help you live a normal life post treatment.
The many treatment choices available are discussed here in this article along with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the procedures. Feel free to reach out to us for any queries or for consultation.
spine| highlighted spine picture in back |

Physical Therapy :

It is one of the most preferred and flourishing treatment modality as it has the lowest risk probability.
woman giving physiotherapy to man | stretching | back stretching | elastic stretch for flexible back

Advantages :

  • Non-invasive treatment option that involves exercises, stretches, and so many other techniques to improve the strength, flexibility, and mobility of the spine.
  • Helps reduce pain, improve range of motion, and prevent further injury.
  • Safe and effective treatment.
  • Lower risk of complications.

Disadvantages :

  • This treatment option alone is not enough.
  • May not be suitable for all patients.
  • May not be useful in those with severe spinal damage or neurological conditions.

Medications :

Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (like Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.), Opioids (Morphine, Fentanyl, etc.), muscle relaxants (Succinylcholine, Delta-tubocurarine, etc.) and steroids can be used to manage pain and inflammation associated with spinal conditions.
tablets| medicines bottle spilling tablets, pills which are round, rectangle shape,

Advantages :

  • Provides quick relief.
  • Painless.
  • Easy.
  • Can be combined with different treatment options.

Disadvantages :

  • Several side effects like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, gastric upset.
  • Long term use can lead to tolerance, dependence or addiction.
  • Patient compliance cannot be maintained.
  • Cannot be given as a single treatment modality for long, given its associated risks.

Spinal Injections :

Spinal injections such as epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, and facet joint injections can be used to deliver medication directly to the affected spine area.
spinal injections on facet joint| injections on spine for nerve opening

Advantages :

  • Fast and targeted pain relief.
  • Better patient compliance.

Disadvantages :

  • Risks of infection, bleeding, nerve damage & allergic reactions. It can be performed by only a qualified practitioner.
  • A sterile environment is required for administration.
  • Painful procedure.
  • Increased duration of treatment.

Surgery :

Surgery is a last resort treatment option. Not at all chosen for cases that can be treated and maintained by any of the above modalities. It is for severe or advanced spinal conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or spinal fractures.
Surgery may involve decompression, fusion, or replacement of the damaged spinal structures.
doctors doing surgery in OT| spinal surgery done by doctors in scrubs in operation theatre | Minimal invasive surgery

Advantages :

  • Provides significant pain relief.
  • Improves function and stability.
  • Permanent resort (if no complications occur).

Disadvantages :

  • Can lead to excessive bleeding in some cases.
  • Chances of infection.
  • Nerve damage can take place in rare cases.
  • Body can face paralysis in unusual cases.
  • Prolonged recovery time can be challenging.

Surgery should be considered only after all other treatment options have been exhausted and after a thorough evaluation by a qualified surgeon.

Alternative Treatments :

Alternative treatment options include :
different alternatives of surgeries | massage | ayurveda and herbal treatments and home remedies | pin massage with accupresssure and accupunture

  • Chiropractic
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Herbal supplements, etc.

These treatments may provide some relief, but their effectiveness and safety are not well established. Some alternative treatments may also have risks such as spinal manipulation injuries, needle puncture injuries, and interactions with medications.

Other than that, some lifestyle modifications can be helpful in the long run, like practicing yoga, stretching, proper back posture, and might help in the recovery process or prevention or precipitation of underlying conditions.
In conclusion, there are various spinal treatments available that can help manage pain and improve function. Each treatment option has its own benefits and risks, and the choice of treatment should be based on the severity and type of spinal condition, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences. Patients should consult with their healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their specific needs.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Always make sure that your spine is fine. Healthy spine. Happy life.

~Written by Jhanvi Kishnani