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new technology in spinal surgery | spine surgery latest highlights

The integral support system of our body is provided by our spine. It helps us move, work and function. The more the use of a part, the more the chances of its damage. Spinal injuries and related conditions are increasing daily. From common problems like back pain to serious conditions like spinal cord injury, it can include anything.

Our medical research is expanding on wider grounds and so are the treatment options for each condition. It is still a work in progress but the development made until now is also an important breakthrough.

The pivotal aim of these efforts is to provide patients with the best relief and quickest recovery, so as to help the patient get back to the mundane chores as soon as possible.

Technology advancements in spine surgery | Slip Disc | Spine Hospital | Back Pain | Spine Treatment | Medicines | Spine Surgeon |

Spinal surgeries have come a long way. What used to be a complex and risky procedure is now much safer and less invasive thanks to the recent advancements. And these advancements have increased patient compliance, healing and recovery speed, overall outcome of the surgery and fewer postoperative complications. Therefore, throughout the years the fear and associated risk for such surgeries along with the related mortality and morbidity has also gone down.

In this blog, we will explore the cutting-edge technologies and techniques that are revolutionizing the field of spinal surgery. From minimally invasive procedures to robotic-assisted surgeries, we will highlight the latest breakthroughs that are improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery (MISS) :

minimally invasive surgery | surgery without harm doctor operating on pateint
Spine surgery in OT


Small incisions, big results. This surgical technique involves making small incisions unlike the large ones made in the old techniques. The large incisions were made to provide a wider and better field of view but the recovery time increased tremendously due to the size of the incision. In MISS, special instruments and imaging techniques to access the spine through small incisions, resulting in less tissue damage and a shorter recovery time.
This technique is used for spinal procedures like discectomies, decompressions, and fusions.

Robotics and Navigation :

robotics in spine surgery | robotic technology in spinal surgery

The power of precision – achieved by robotics and navigation. The world is changing and evolving at the speed of the bullet trains. Or maybe even faster than that. The way our knowledge, skills and methods are growing is worth noticing. Everything is being turned technical to make it easier for the medical staff and to make the processes even more efficient and smooth. Likewise, the surgical field is also flourishing with a lot of computerized tools and facilities which are being utilized to its full potential.
The robotic and technology assisted ways are being preferred as it reduces the risk of manual errors, it is relatively less invasive, more precise and can help hasten the recovery process post operation given that the incisions made are smaller and area is wider and more accessible.
Robotic assisted spinal surgery is helping surgeons perform complex procedures in a much more proficient way and with relatively less fatigue. It also helps in the precise location of the lesion and its encapsulated treatment while reducing surrounding damage and multiple complications.
Other tools like navigation technology uses 3D imaging to create a direct roadmap for the surgeon thus improving operative outcomes.

Artificial Disc Replacement :

Spine disc transplant | Spine disc surgery placement | Artificial disc in spine

Out with the old, in with the new! We’re trying to modernize all the treatment options available. One of the most recent ones is artificial disc replacement.
In this procedure, damaged spinal discs are replaced with artificial ones. This technique is safer than the primitive ones and results in a quicker recovery than the prior. The associated postoperative risk for the adjacent segments is also reduced and the spinal movement isn’t compromised.
It is used in a selected category of patients but it is gaining more popularity day by day, given its advantages and less restraining postoperative condition.

Advanced Imaging :

Patient going into MRI machine | cervical spine MRI

Seeing is believing and for a surgeon, the area involved when clearly seen, is half the battle won. Advanced imaging techniques are being used very commonly now-a-days. These techniques include CT Scan (Computerised Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), X-Ray, etc. These techniques help the surgeon to visualize the lesion more clearly and precisely which thus helps further in planning the surgery. The 3D image makes the surgeon’s decision more precise and less erroneous. So, they are a great help for the surgeon prior and after the surgery.

Biologics :

biologics in spine | surgery injection of spine | spine injection for pain relief

Biologics are Nature’s own solution. A lot of biological material can also be used to help the patient in treating a lesion. Materials like stem cells and growth factors are gaining awareness as they are found to enhance healing and improve surgical outcomes.
They are applied on the surgical site to promote growth of the bone and improve the function of the spine by supporting spinal fusion. These materials are still being researched and tested but the test results until now have been remarkable.

Motion Preservation Surgery :

how screws are fixed in spine | motion preserve spine surgery

The main aim of a surgery is to restore the prior function of the structure/part being operated. Similarly, for a spinal surgeon, it is very important to restore the motion of the patient the way it was, after the surgery. But after the operation, there are certain risks associated which reduce the flexibility and motion of the patient to different extent depending on the condition.
To minimize such risks, motion preservation surgery was introduced. In this techni, the spinal deformities are corrected while preserving the motion of the spine. It can involve the use of flexible rods, screws and cables to stabilize the spine.
It can be used in patients of scoliosis, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, etc.

Endoscopic Spinal Surgery :

AI generated doctor picture | doctor doing endoscopy

The latest breakthrough! Endoscopy involves visualizing the internal structures via a camera. Endoscopic spinal surgeries involve making a small incision and using a camera to identify the problem area. The identified problem then can be treated accordingly by the surgeons via various procedures and instruments.
This technique can help reduce adjacent tissue damage, associated risks, recovery time and postoperative complications.

In conclusion, spinal surgery has seen significant advancements with research in recent years, making it a safer, better and more effective treatment option for patients. The latest advancements in spinal surgery, including minimally invasive techniques, robotics and navigation, artificial disc replacement, advanced imaging, biologics, motion preservation surgery, and endoscopic spinal surgery are gaining awareness gradually. They have improved outcomes of spinal surgeries with remarkable recovery rate.
If you are considering getting a spinal surgery, it is important to discuss the reason for the same with your doctor. And after deciding on the surgical option, the latest advancements in spinal surgery can be discussed to determine the best treatment option for your individual needs.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Always make sure that your spine is fine. Healthy spine. Happy life.

~Written By Jhanvi Kishnani