96196 75958 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Swastik Hospital , 2nd Floor, Medicon Arcade, Naroda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382330


Spinal conditions can pack a real punch, throwing life off balance and casting shadows on our everyday joys. But here’s the good news: we can rewrite the script by getting ahead of the curve and tackling these challenges head-on.Early diagnosis and treatment of spinal conditions can help prevent complications and improve outcomes. This blog post...
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Back pain is a common condition that spares no age group or background. It can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that interferes with daily activities. But here’s the key: untangling various back pain types and tracing their roots is not just enlightening; it’s vital for targeted treatment. This blog will discuss the different...
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Ever felt like your spine is plotting against your comfort? Conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease can turn that feeling into a reality, packing a wallop of pain. But guess what? Pain management is a critical component of treatment for these conditions. This blog will spill the beans on the most...
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The human spine, a true powerhouse of our body, acts as the ultimate support system, granting us stability and the freedom to move easily. Yet, this vital structure can sometimes face challenges like pain, wear, and tear as time passes. The silver lining? Consistent workouts and expert-guided physical therapy emerge as superheroes, teaming up to...
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In the blink of an eye, the world shifted and brought the office to our living rooms – all due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But let’s be honest, working in pyjamas isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. It’s easy to get comfy, but it’s also a slippery slope to lounging like a couch potato with seriously...
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Imagine your body as a masterpiece, each pose you strike while sitting, standing, or lounging as a brushstroke on the canvas of your posture. But hold up; your posture isn’t just about hitting a pose – it’s a secret player in the game of spinal health. In this blog, we’re about to unravel the intriguing...
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Are you tired of dealing with back pain and filtering through the overload of information out there? You’re not alone! Back pain is a widespread issue, but it’s surrounded by myths that can make your journey to relief confusing and frustrating. Don’t worry; we’re here to bust those myths wide open in this blog.  Myth...
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Spinal surgery may seem scary to many patients, but it is often necessary for the treatment of various spine conditions. Herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and spinal cord injuries to name a few. However, the surgery itself is just one step in the recovery process, and rehabilitation and physical therapy are essential components of a successful...
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Over the past few decades, spinal surgery has radically transformed, propelled by impressive technological leaps and innovative techniques. Conditions that were once thought impossible to treat are now within the realm of possibility, thanks to a convergence of cutting-edge technology and surgical finesse. From minimally invasive procedures to robotic-assisted surgeries, here are some of the...
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Back pain, that uninvited troublemaker, loves to crash the party regardless of age, gender, or how you roll in life. Blame it on the bad postures, muscle mayhem, pesky herniated discs, or the ageing game – it’s got no favourites. While surgery is often considered the last resort for severe cases, many non-surgical treatments can...
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About Us

Dr. Pratik Israni Consultant Spinal Surgeon, based in India’s first heritage city, Ahmedabad, the city where pharma companies are thriving and healthcare infrastructure is evolving every single day. He is one of the best Spine Surgeons not only in the state but in the country. He holds a prominent position amongst the healthcare professionals in India.