96196 75958 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Swastik Hospital , 2nd Floor, Medicon Arcade, Naroda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382330


November 18, 2023
Over the past few decades, spinal surgery has radically transformed, propelled by impressive technological leaps and innovative techniques. Conditions that were once thought impossible to treat are now within the realm of possibility, thanks to a convergence of cutting-edge technology and surgical finesse. From minimally invasive procedures to robotic-assisted surgeries, here are some of the...
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Back pain, that uninvited troublemaker, loves to crash the party regardless of age, gender, or how you roll in life. Blame it on the bad postures, muscle mayhem, pesky herniated discs, or the ageing game – it’s got no favourites. While surgery is often considered the last resort for severe cases, many non-surgical treatments can...
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Think of your spine as your body’s architectural marvel – also known as the vertebral column or spinal column. It’s like a powerhouse that brings you support, stability, and some slick moves. This structure isn’t just one piece – it’s made up of 33 vertebrae, stacked like building blocks, and cushioned by intervertebral discs like...
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Think about it – spine problems like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and sciatica are like the villains of your body, bringing in pain beyond words. If these problems get their way, they can take a wrecking ball to your life, making even simple stuff challenging. But hold on because there’s a way to fight back....
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Think of spinal surgery as a major chapter in your medical journey, demanding its fair share of prep and bounce-back time. It’s all about dialling down pain, cranking up movement, or setting things straight in the spine world. But remember, your surgery’s star performance also hinges on your recovery act. Join us in this blog...
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Do you know your spine is the unsung hero of your body’s stability? Yes, the spine isn’t just a bony tower holding you up; it’s a fortress guarding the messages zipping through the spinal cord. A fortress of bone and muscle that keeps you upright, moving and connected. Now, even our mighty protagonist has a...
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As we spend a significant portion of our lives sitting in chairs, the question of spine balance and overall health arises. Don’t let poor posture take control, as it can take you towards various health problems, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. However, with the right chair ergonomics, you can maintain spine balance...
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Picture this: a life without nagging pain, discomfort and limitations that come with spinal conditions. Traditional treatments such as surgery and medication may not always be effective and can even worsen the condition in some cases. Fortunately, there are alternative treatments for spinal conditions that can help alleviate pain and promote healing. In this blog,...
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Did you know maintaining a healthy spine is essential for overall well-being? And guess what? The secret to maintaining a healthy spine lies in something we do every day: sitting! Yes, you heard it right! Poor posture can lead to various problems, including back pain, muscle fatigue, and nerve damage. One way to promote good...
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Maintaining proper posture is critical in safeguarding a healthy spine and warding off spinal problems. The spine is responsible for supporting the body’s weight and facilitating movement, and it consists of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. When the spine’s alignment is compromised, it can give rise to various problems, including pain, stiffness, and even nerve...
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About Us

Dr. Pratik Israni Consultant Spinal Surgeon, based in India’s first heritage city, Ahmedabad, the city where pharma companies are thriving and healthcare infrastructure is evolving every single day. He is one of the best Spine Surgeons not only in the state but in the country. He holds a prominent position amongst the healthcare professionals in India.